Sunday, July 27, 2008

Our Saturday was PRICELESS!!!!

Dalton learned to swim under the water yesterday...... Can you tell how proud she is? Daddy admitted that he was "too young for this!" NOTE: This was his idea!

Avery has been practicing her dive... WITH ear plugs in!
Mama acted like an adult and took pictures! And NO Lee.. I DON'T want to race you to the end of the pool AGAIN! I took pictures of me and each girl, and then I saw myself makeup less and I was like... UHHH NO! Not posting those! Yes, this is vacation week for us (Lee is off and I am working) and I will be make-up less in the pool but not posting for the entire blog world to see! I think a little more highly of myself than that! Happy Sunny Sunday!


Rosjuane said...

That picture of Dalton is hilarous!! I bet you are a fox even without makeup!!

The Thompson Family said...

Of course you can blog about Bryce...I would love to see pictures of him in your beautiful new pool! I am so glad the whole family is finding time to enjoy the pool!

Mom of these kids said...

Yes, she let me see her without makeup, and she looked great. I told her she needed to post them!

The Perry Family said...

I'm sure you are beautiful without makeup on!! Love the pic of Dalton!!