Thursday, December 4, 2008

Za toothless chef...

Here is finally a picture of Avery and her toothless self. Kids are praying for her at local churches... I guess they think that she only has those 4 teeth on the top or something. The kid had to have 9 teeth pulled to make room for other teeth that were coming in... THAT IS ALL! She does not have any other issues! The new teeth were coming in all crazy, and needed some where to GO besides in the crazy places that they were going! The baby teeth were NOT ready to let go yet, so we had to help her out.... only to prevent more issues in the future.

Check out my sweetie cooking her favorite... deer burger tacos... SOFT tacos to help her out with the chewing! They were YUMMY! She has really gotten in to cooking here lately.... Every night she asks what she can do to help!


Beth E. said...

I've tried deer meat fixed several different ways, but never as tacos! Sounds yummy!

Your daughter is beautiful! How sweet those kids are praying for her...even if they DID misunderstand what was going on. :o)

Blessings to may be a day or two before I post again. Bill's surgery is tomorrow afternoon.

Have a great weekend!

Rosjuane said...

GOOD LAWD!! See we can't take new family pictures. Just for your hair. The girl don't have no GRILL!! She would never forgive me!! And I just got in good.

Piece of Cake said...

That's funny. Last night Kaylee cooked dinner for us to. Mmmm... taco salads. Now if we could just get her to clean up after herself!

AJ Huffman said...

That is neat that she likes to cook. And I'm sure you love the help.

Sandy said...

the hair is just tooo cute. bet she had a time getting the gook out.

Anonymous said...

My son loves to cook too.He is having a few dental issues too.His baby teeth are just falling out left and right(he is 8),being pushed by his adult teeth.Thats not really the issue though.In our family,the boys grow "extra teeth" on top of their regular set.My hubby and my brother both.My brothers were worse,he had double canines top and bottom.Big mess.My son is growing something very similar.

She is a doll!