Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I was SOOO wrong...

So, the other night (2 nights ago) I decided that I would do some sit ups... So, after breaking a sweat and starting to feel the burn.. I thought I had done enough (this really meaning that I could not do any more!) I stopped with 7ish... oh, lets just round the number up to 10.. you know cause it sounds SOOOO much better... no pain, no gain right!?!?!? And here I was thinking that I had not bettered myself when low and behold tonight I sneezed and almost started to cry... MY STOMACH is so SORE that it actually hurt and hurt really bad when I sneezed! I know... sad huh!??! But I am TRYING!

P.S. Don't be a hater! It ain't healthy!


Rosjuane said...

You should get a wii fit!! I've been busting it all week!!

Anonymous said...

I have been there before, only it was with squats. I decided I would do some one night before I went to bed and I could barely get up the next morning.
Melissa Y

Beth E. said...

Hahahahahahaha! You're a hoot! Hey, you probably did TWICE as many sit ups than I could ever do...

Our stomach muscles are used for eeeeeeverything...We just don't realize it until they are sore. LOL

Take it easy today...put your feet up...hubby should totally pamper you, don'tcha think? ;o)

Piece of Cake said...

I did a Legs and Back work out a couple of weeks ago. I didn't even make it half way through the video before I quit. Good thing I did though because for a week everytime I went to sit or stand I said "OUCH".

Laken said...

LOL! Now I don't feel nearly as bad! You look good though, and you know it! :)