Monday, January 26, 2009

update on cuteness...

Santa brought Dalton some furry flip flop house shoes.. she refers to them as FLIPPERS.

Today me and little D were heading to get Avery from school and it was cold and had been raining.. she says to me... mama, if Avery does not have her jacket on then YOU need to give HER a talking to! Now if you know Dalton you know the look she was giving me with her eyes too! She is a HOOT!!!


Gigi said...

So, did Avery have her jacket on?

Beth E. said...

I'm a little disappointed. Saw the title of this post and thought you were gonna talk about ME. *sigh* hahaha!

Your young'uns are just too funny! I love the things kids say. :o)

Sandy said...

is it just not to funny at what lil ones will say and to us it is a joke but to them it is sooo serious. Sabre is still like that we just don't know what is gonna come out of her mouth but boy does she get the reds when we laugh. Kids are such a hoot

Laken said...

Awww! Just like her momma! A HOOT!

Unknown said...

How funny! Don't kids say the craziest things?! Thanks for the Birthday wish! :)