Thursday, January 8, 2009

Growing up...

Today while watching Avery it hit me.. look at her!!!! She is growing up so fast!!! So many changes this year... She is so sweet and thoughtful. They talked about bills yesterday in one of her classes... last night she brought me a little piggy bank half filled with changed and wanted me to cash it in so she could help out with our bills! I nearly fell out! I assured her that mama and daddy worked to make sure that our bills were taking care of, but that we sure appreciated her thinking of us like that! This little girl thinks of everyone else before she thinks of herself! How many 10 1/2 year olds do you know that does that!?!? If you don't know this child you are missing out...


Rosjuane said...

Aww that is so sweet!!

Beth E. said...

Yep, I am TOTALLY missing out! :o/

That's a great story about her. What a sweetheart she is...and she is GOR-geous! Her daddy's gonna have to walk the front porch with a baseball bat to keep all of the guys away! lol

The Terrell's said...

Avery sounds like Gage. He is thoughtful like that. One time Ronnie bought Gage a knife that had the maltese cross and Gage knew how much it cost - so when Ronnie came in and gave it to him, Gage went to his room and got the amount of money out of his rat hole and tried to pay Ronnie for the knife. HOW THOUGHTFUL!

Mom of these kids said...

I do know her, and you are right, she is all that and a bag of chips! LOL She is such a sweetheart!