Friday, January 4, 2008

Dalton's room....

My first goal in my house is to get Dalton's room in FINISHED! I have it painted already so that is a major thing there in my book! I have the curtains up, bed spread on and dust ruffle made. I made her a big pillow for her bed, found the pieces of odd furniture I wanted already and picture 4 frames purchased for a little wall collage. I have a 3 pics that I am going to order next week in order to be able to hang a little collage of pics up. I am so close to being finished in there so that is the reason I have picked her room first. WISH ME LUCK! I think I want a D for her wall too. Any ideas on where to find that?


Rosjuane said...

PICTURES PLEASE!! We want to see pics when you are done!!

Rosjuane said...

PICTURES PLEASE!! We want to see pics when you are done!!

Debbi said...

I'm with rosjuane - I want pictures! I'm excited! about the D - have you seen any of the vinal lettering things? They are really popular here and back west and look really nice - I have a girl here who sells it and I could get you her info and she could ship or email you info to you if you want.

The Perry Family said...

i want to see too!! that is on my 2008 to do list...redo jackson's room. i know what i want to do, so now i just have to paint and buy the bed stuff and curtains! we already have pictures and stuff to go on the walls, i just have to get in there and do it!!