Monday, September 29, 2008

Our poor little Dalton....

This afternoon Dalton starting throwing up about 3:oo... The first time EVER for her to throw up!! Needless to say she does not handle it very well. She is only 34 lbs, and at this point I am trying to keep her from getting dehydrated, but whatever she drinks comes right back up within seconds. She ate breakfast this morning, a little snack at Wee school, and then NOTHING else since then. It is going to be a long night alone with her sick like this with Lee working graveyards. I had to get him up at 3 to sit with her while I went to get Avery and Hannah from school and get them to dancing. I knew that she did not need to be in the car for 45 minutes while all that was going on! She has not wanted him to leave her side since he got up. Her little voice if so weak and sad!


The Thompson Family said...

Tell Dalton she better get well and get her energy back because Bryce is coming in two weeks! I'm sorry she is so sick...hopefully you can all get a little shut-eye tonight.

melanie, aka Mo said...

Hey, I still be here!! Hate to hear the baby is sick. Tell her I throw up every day. Maybe that will make her feel better. (lapband, ya know?!). We should get together some time. Melanie

Kami said...

Dalton...I hope you begin to feel better real soon.

Anonymous said...

Dalton I hope you feel better!

AJ Huffman said...

I hate to be sick myself, and I know how hard it is to have a little one that's sick. Hope all is well soon.

The Perry Family said...

so sorry to hear about your baby girl! i feel so bad when my babies are sick b/c you can't make them better asap. hopefully she will be better soon!

Laken said...

Poor Dalton! I hope that little girl gets to feeling better soon!

Beth E. said...

Geeze, I hate to throw up! Poor little Dalton...I hope she feels better soon. It's heartbreaking when little ones get sick.