Friday, May 9, 2008

Mother's Day Tea Party @ Wee School

Today was the Mother's Day tea party at Wee School. The ladies really out did themselves getting ready for this!
This is Heather and Brady Burford. Brady goes this next week for scans... results to follow on Thursday at 1:00... please remember him and his family in your prayers. We want to be FREE!!!!
This is my fellow crying buddy Leigh Carter... her, Mrs. Linda and Chloe wore hats and feather boas!!! Leigh and I are very emotional about things right now....
Dalton asked Nanaw to join us for the tea party too! Seems like only yesterday we were at Avery's!
Here we are!!! Dalton was so excited to wear her little dress and open toed shoes!!!!
Lee's mother has one of these that Lee made when he was in preschool too!

I love all the things that they made!

Tea sandwiches, pineapples, chocolate chip cookies, dipped pretzels, little cakes, and punch! I could tell that Dalton had been sampling the punch... her red mustache gave her away!
Check out the flower bouquet... it is made out of their hand prints! I will have more pictures to post when I get her stuff from school on Monday.


Mom of these kids said...

Oh, this is so nice! And I am glad Lee's mom came too! All their stuff is so cute, and I love the hand bouquets!

melanie, aka Mo said...

Hey there...long time, no comment! But here I am ! Looked back through your last few blogs and looks like Avery is a softball superstar! I LOVED softball as a kid and have so many good memories of that time! The tea party and art gallery made me want to send Ellie to Wee School in Crossett! I want Ellie to have lots of opportunities to be creative and really express herself, artistically. I know that sounds crazy, btu I was also nurtured in that manner as a kid, and it definitely impacted me as an adult. Keep bragging on Dalton, hanging up her work, and making big deals out of her creativity! I know you will! Alrighty then... Can't wait to have those TWO girls. Do you just love it?! Melanie